Top 10 Tips For Low Carb High Fat Eating

Top 10 Tips For Low Carb High Fat Eating

Here are my top 10 tips for low carb, high fat (LCHF) eating based upon expert research and my personal experience over many months. Low carb high fat (LCHF) has just started making headlines in the media and I am pleased to be able to call upon my first hand...
Book of the Month { May 2016 }

Book of the Month { May 2016 }

Welcome to the first Book of the Month. Rather than keep my burgeoning library secret I have decided to share with you the books that influence and inspire my practise and give scientific credence to my methods. You’ll find coaching and training manuals, diet...
How to be a better fat burner

How to be a better fat burner

You may be reading this post because you answered ‘Yes’ to more than three of the questions on my recent post Are You A Fat Burner Or A Sugar Burner? If you are a sugar burner then your metabolic efficiency is lower than desired so your metabolism is...
Are you a fat burner or a sugar burner?

Are you a fat burner or a sugar burner?

How can you tell if you are a fat burner or a sugar burner? Most of us believe that we burn mostly fat when we are at rest, but it’s not that simple. In fact, some of us are burning way too much sugar at rest, which means we are not very good at burning fat....
3 Superfoods Already In Your Kitchen

3 Superfoods Already In Your Kitchen

Any nutrition professional worth listening to will tell you there’s no such thing as a Superfood. Some foods however happen to offer particularly excellent nutrition and many of them are already in your kitchen. Here are 3 special ones that you can celebrate and...
Healthy Snack Haul

Healthy Snack Haul

Welcome to my first Snack Haul. Sometimes you just want to snack, so here’s your guide to healthy snacks for guilt free, nutritious nibbles that taste good and do good too. We’ve been shopping for a heap of healthy snacks to taste and showcase for you. As...