Why You Do Not Need To Smash Every Workout

Why You Do Not Need To Smash Every Workout

We get back to exercise with this week’s blog post. Let’s talk about three key reasons why you do not need to smash every workout. I do not care what is considered cool or which fitness figures are shouting the loudest. I am interested in the health and...

Why is the wrong food so tasty?

Why is the wrong food so tasty? It comes down to the way your brain is wired and the way that food manufacturers play with your brain. The Brain The reward centre of the brain is linked to the pleasure pathway(s). Stimulation of this area of the brain releases...
The Role Of Appetite And Can You Trust Yours?

The Role Of Appetite And Can You Trust Yours?

Can you? Can you trust your appetite? Surely you are supposed to resist, deny and ignore your appetite, your hunger and your cravings… I have some good news for you, hunger is your friend, but you need to be a better friend to hunger. Appetite relates to hunger...